* You say "he he he he" or "heh heh heh" instead of laughing.
* You say "SCROLL UP" when someone asks what it was you said.
* You sneak away to your computer when everyone goes to sleep.
You know you're addicted to the internet when:
* You turn off your computer and go watch your Web TV.
* You see something funny and scream, "LOL, LOL."
* You meet the mailman at the curb and swear he said YOU'VE GOT MAIL.
* You sign off and your screen says you were on for 3 days and 45 minutes.
* You fall asleep, but instead of dreams you get IMs.
* You buy a laptop and a cell phone so you can have AOL in your car.
* Tech support calls YOU for help.
* You talk on the phone with the same person you are sending an instant message to.
* You look at an annoying person off line and wish that you had your ignore button handy.
* You start to experience "withdrawal" after not being online for awhile.
* You sit on AOL for 6 hours for that certain special person to sign on.
* You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.
* You end your sentences with.....three or more periods.......
Add your link here
* If you have mastered the fine art of reading fluent typo and consider it your second language.
* The only Family you send Christmas and Birthday Cards to are the ones who have an email address.
* When you have to clean your keyboard with a Q-tip to dislodge the food particles.
* When the letters come off your keyboard from excessive use.
* you go to bed at night and your dreams just scroll on in...
Search for your own signs you know you're addicted, and email them to me!
* Your parrot says, Polly wants a Hacker!
* Whenever you are asked your address, you give them your URL.
* Instead of sitting on a chair while on your computer, you sit on a potty.